
Fundraising Total Raised to date: $975

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Day 1 - Land's End to Trevallett, Launceston

So the ride today is all done and it was fantastic.


Miles: 91.2
Climbing: 5534
Average Speed: 13.4 mph
Max Speed: 38.2 mph
Time Riding:6h 47m
Total Duration: 9h 42m
Steepest Gradient: 19.9%

Any early start was required today so I would have time to try and fit in the missing 20 miles from yesterday so a 5am alarm call was in order. This allowed me to be at Land's End by 7:20 and set of, after the obligatory photo shoot of course, by 7:45. The weather was almost perfect with the only a slight  Northerly wind and even that wasn't to bad. Temperatures started out in the 50's but rose to the mid 70's, perfect conditions.

The 20 miles from Day 0 were quickly knocked out as I made it back to the overnight stop just after 9:15am. I was then confident that I could make it to today's accommodation, a further 70 miles by late afternoon. And this I achieved arriving at the 3 Quoins Bed & Breakfast a little after 5:15pm.  A long day but certainly worth the effort.

As part of the research for LEJOG I have read a lot about the Cornish hills, and all I can say is that everything I read about them was true and more so. The hills come so regularly that you would swear that it was just one big hill. None of them are particularly long but they are brutally steep. I spent much time just spinning in the lowest gear.

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